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sand iron 4:18 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Modern day David James.

He’ll put off the odd worldy but make some momentous fuck-ups along the way..

Needs game time & hopefully mature quickly, if he does we might have a keeper..

Time will tell..

Mex Martillo 4:12 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Accurate long kicking is asking a lot. I thought it was good that he got the ball out very quickly a few times to get a fast counter attack going. One sticks in my mind where he made a long throw past a ManU player out to Johnson or Fornals on the left, I liked that.

claypole 1:25 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Everytime Fabianski goes long we generally lose possession so I was interested to if there was going to be an improvement. Unfortunately at the moment it doesn't look like it

AKA ERNIE 1:02 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Deal disagree mate, Fabianski who has been superb for us not the same keeper last few months.
Not making the saves he used to.

dealcanvey 12:50 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I thought he done well after a nervy start. You can tell he is a good shot stopper.

Fabianski still def 1st choice but be good to see Areola in some Europa games.

chim chim cha boo 12:29 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I missed last night's game but from some of the stuff I have read on here it sounds quite exciting and I will watch it somewhere today.

Honestly thought that we would throw it but it's great to we've got a a great Squad for once and are able to give the league cup a go. Unheard of in the past!

I love being a glory supporter!

Eerie Descent 12:23 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
People are going to realise just how brilliant Fabianski has been when he's too old to be number 1.

Fifth Column 12:21 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I'd not understood why he wasn't starting. Having seen him last night I can understand why. Some of his shot stopping was superb but his kicking was poor and some of his decision making wasn't great. A very different type of keeper than Fab. I'd start him in Europa games though as he needs matches.

Block 12:17 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I noticed him saying something about he didn't hear the call, so I think he was caught out of position and wasn't sure on his angles so punched it.

Come On You Irons 12:12 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Yes, ropey. Considering he came out to collect a cross early on and completely didn't get there and was beaten to it by Baily, and that later on he needlessly punched a cross he easily could have caught.

It was clearly a ropey start.

AKA ERNIE 12:06 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
coli-ropey 1st half ? well apart from the superb save from antic oh and the fact he didn't let a goal in but yeah otherwise well ropey

Lee Trundle 11:40 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Mayumi "Maz" Pacheco was the first, PASH.

Come On You Irons 11:38 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Ropey first half, but he improved in the second half and looked solid.

As an aside, he must surely be the first FILIPINO to have played for West Ham.

Russ of the BML 11:36 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
He is flamboyant. That's why he caught my eye when he was playing for Fulham.

Hugely confident and he won't ever think twice. He makes his mind up and comes for it.

I think we may have a few hearts in our mouth moments with him but, overall, I think he's quality and will be a really good keeper for us.

Hammer and Pickle 11:36 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Definitely needs to start next game and I’d be shocked if he does not.

AKA ERNIE 11:30 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
The one he tipped onto the bar was a tremendous save.

Punching was a bit odd but I would definitely have him in as number 1 from now.

Dr Matt 11:29 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Two mad punches aside - looked better in other aspects than Fabianski.

Sort out the punching side and it’s on.

Sniper 11:24 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I thought he had a really good game. Especially bearing in mind it was his debut playing behind a back four who haven’t played together much, it was impressive

He did what he had to do and some really good positioning and blocks at times when they did get into decent positions.

It’s lovely to have two keepers that I don’t worry about instead of thinking ‘oh god here we go’ as soon as the No1 is injured!

southbankbornnbred 11:21 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
I liked the look of him.

Thought he was confident, made some very good reaction saves (including with his feet, which is becoming more important) and tried to dominate the penalty area.

Sure, he came to punch one or two crosses that he perhaps should have tried to catch, or left alone. But I'd rather have a pro-active keeper back there - and he's certainly that.

I think he will divide opinion, because many fans in England prefer to see 'boring' keepers who stick to the fundamentals and, very often, stick to their line until they simply have to move from it. This guy doesn't, and won't, do that.

He'll make the odd clanger - that's the nature of keepers like him. But he'll also make many outstanding saves and ease pressure by clearing crosses others would not.

If this guy was the perfect keeper, he would not be on loan to us. But he looked good yesterday, in a big game.

Block 11:05 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
Made the saves he should have, needs to calm the fuck down a bit and cut the needless punching out and read situations better, no chance he was going to get that ball.

Decent shot stopper by the looks of it

Lily Hammer 11:02 Thu Sep 23
Re: Alphonse Areola Signed
The wild punch was supposed to be to Johnson, which would have set him clear for a counter up the left. I like the positive thinking, but fuck me, he has to get that right when he tries it.

Who was the corner taker who shot when the ball came back out to him? That was going in, and Areola made a great save that I don't think Fab would have managed to make.

A reasonably good debut, where he dealt well with what came his way, but despite Man U's many many shots, he really didn't have to do much, which is credit to the defending of the outfield players.

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